Tuesday, November 24, 2009

the adventures of wic

So today, I finally had my appointment with Wic (and was approved thankfully...).
All went well, two hours of boredom, worse than any class I have ever had before. But today was the first time I could contribute to my house with food. And I get to try Honey Kix which sounds amazing. Not as good as Frosted Flakes, but I'm not complaining. Turns out I can get fruits, vegetables, milk, cheese, bread (but only 100% whole grain...ick), juice, hot and cold cereals, and eventually baby foods.
And can you believe they are trying to make me eat around 6 oz of meat, especially of red meat. If I can't have steak or cheeseburgers, I'll cry.
But I have my next Wic appointment set up for next month.
and my doctor's appointment is December 7th, where I will have blood and urine tests done to make sure I'm healthy and all that jazz.

But at Wic, observing the kids was kind of fun. This one little boy was like "Do I have it on the right foot, mommy?" "Yes, you do..." and turned around took it off and put it on the other foot.

And this little girl would pick up the toys behind this boy. And another one was following me around.

Grammie says she will never figure it out but little kids love to watch me for some reason.

Who knows...at any rate, I am doing my best to take care of me and the Baby...and the Fiancee.